Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Change: Starts With Me

In this world, many things has changed,in environment,government,culture,beliefs and others that was caused by people that has bad doings and bad attitudes in this world.
To have a better life, we have to maintain and change many things in our life. I have come to the realization that change can be the deepest of all subjects. I always assumed that change occured when you moved to a new town or when you lost someone close to you. Sometimes it the people we love would just accept the change and go with it, they would understand where the change was originally coming from.Especially people who are close to each other because they fell that this change is going to seperate them and make for them.After your opinion but help them go through whatever they need to go through because they will do what they need to do regardless of people that they really do love. I love to change myself for better. I have to improve myself for my own good. Change must start with me because I know that this will help me become more responsible citizen.
Let's start to change for the sake of us.

January 25

One of the biggest event that happened here in Ilocos Sur is the Vigan town fiesta.It is traditionally celebrated during the 25 of January.it is an occasion that ilocanos could not afford to give up it is because it has already crafted in their hearts and it is now part of their life to celebrate this event.In addition, the celebration of this fiesta will enhance camaraderie,bonding ,cooperation,happiness,enjoyment,excitement,among ilocanos and as a result they promote within themselves a common understanding that in the end it deepens their relationship towards each other and that is the beauty of this Vigan town fiesta.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


There are two kinds of dream, one is the human dream it may or may not happened for a simple reason, it's foundation is based on human mind or effort that has no assurance at all.Secondly God given dream, meaning it's source is God himself and be realized and happen simply because, God knows everything and even the future of all mankind is the one who give it.And God give us freedom and privileges to choose what kind of life we should become.

Having a dream and vision is a part of our life as a student.Setting this plans is very important because this our bridge to a better future.Have you asked yourself what you will become after ten years?have you dream of your future? My future is based on my course that I will take up.So after five to ten years I graduated in my college school, I am now a professional agriculturist.Having its own four wheel car and planning for my house.I grow physically.emotionally,socially,mentally and spiritually.And I can say that my dreams are now accomplished.

In pursuing this dreams there are are things that I considered:first is the God almighty, he is our helper and gives wisdom and provision in our needs.And let us trust Him whatever we do.Secondly is my parents because they are the one who supports us and gives advices in our life.Lastly my true friends who keeps molding me in times of trials and difficulties and gives word of encouragement.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Kannawidan is a tradition that Ilokanos celebrated every last year of January to first week of February.It was during that time that every municipalities of Ilocos Sur are heartedly shared their products, cultures, efforts and cooperation just to ensure that this festival will be successful.

During this festival,different products have been introduced and shown not only to the Ilokanos but to the tourist also.This products was so amazing because of it's quality and uniqueness.The size and the extent of the this products is very astonishing in the eyes.Many people came just to see this incredible p[products of Ilocos Sur.During this festival, many guest and artist came just make some enjoyment and they are very happy to see Ilokanos talented and lot of skills.

And I can say that we Ilokanos have a huge and original products.I found that even though there is a competition behind it ,there is unity,respect and peace among the municipality of ILOCOS SUR.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


This third grading there are things that I learned.First,I learned about the HTML file ,how to make it and do it right.To make a composition to be post in my blog is very great and challenging because it may be read by others.I can say that this grading I improved in my typing.And i thank what i have done.

As I go forward in learning about this lessons,I will make my blog more presentable and good.I am expecting more his fourth grading.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New year, New Life

The year 2011 had gone so fast and another year has come,another chance of living,another hope for our nation,another opportunity to take up.and another journey is waiting for us and will come to challenge us once again.

The year 2011,the year of the rabbit is here.It is now the time to be make a change and to be change and continue our journey to success.let us now renew our life.Let us make a difference to our self.to our friends.into our community and to our nation.New year,New beginning!!Change for a better and not for worst.Let us be reminded that the past year is only a part of our life but we should not be contented of that because this year is the continuation of our life.Challenges.testings,chances and new life is waiting for us in this year.Let us make our life be fulled of God's grace and guidance for us.Let us do our responsibilities and work as a student.Let us set our goal and visions through this year.Plan for tomorrow,run for success.It is now the time to grow.

Monday, January 3, 2011

True Essence of Christmas

The cool morning breeze and the busy streets decked with shinning lights in the evening.This indicate that Christmas is here once again.people send each cards and gifts to their families and friends.In homes and in streets,evergreen trees glitter with colorful lights and ornaments.Children look forward to see a jolly,white bearded man and a red suit named Santa Claus.Christmas is a christian holiday.It commemorates the birth of Christ.It is a social holiday.It is a festival of goodwill,a time for family,friends,food, and gift-giving.

But knowing the season means nothing unless we know the reason for this wonderful occasion.Christmas wouldn't be Christmas at all without sharing and giving.Indeed no less than God Himself demonstrated this when he was born in Bethlehem to pay the ransom for our sins.Forgiveness is one also the essence of this occasion wherein we forgive the sins of our friends and other persons.Even though it is very hard to forgive them,let us be nice and good because it is a Christmas season..