Wednesday, February 23, 2011


There are two kinds of dream, one is the human dream it may or may not happened for a simple reason, it's foundation is based on human mind or effort that has no assurance at all.Secondly God given dream, meaning it's source is God himself and be realized and happen simply because, God knows everything and even the future of all mankind is the one who give it.And God give us freedom and privileges to choose what kind of life we should become.

Having a dream and vision is a part of our life as a student.Setting this plans is very important because this our bridge to a better future.Have you asked yourself what you will become after ten years?have you dream of your future? My future is based on my course that I will take up.So after five to ten years I graduated in my college school, I am now a professional agriculturist.Having its own four wheel car and planning for my house.I grow physically.emotionally,socially,mentally and spiritually.And I can say that my dreams are now accomplished.

In pursuing this dreams there are are things that I considered:first is the God almighty, he is our helper and gives wisdom and provision in our needs.And let us trust Him whatever we do.Secondly is my parents because they are the one who supports us and gives advices in our life.Lastly my true friends who keeps molding me in times of trials and difficulties and gives word of encouragement.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Kannawidan is a tradition that Ilokanos celebrated every last year of January to first week of February.It was during that time that every municipalities of Ilocos Sur are heartedly shared their products, cultures, efforts and cooperation just to ensure that this festival will be successful.

During this festival,different products have been introduced and shown not only to the Ilokanos but to the tourist also.This products was so amazing because of it's quality and uniqueness.The size and the extent of the this products is very astonishing in the eyes.Many people came just to see this incredible p[products of Ilocos Sur.During this festival, many guest and artist came just make some enjoyment and they are very happy to see Ilokanos talented and lot of skills.

And I can say that we Ilokanos have a huge and original products.I found that even though there is a competition behind it ,there is unity,respect and peace among the municipality of ILOCOS SUR.